Washing Your Bike & Helmet
Maintain Your Cycling Hygiene
There are a lot of reasons to clean your bike & helmet. A clean bike performs better and will last longer. A clean helmet smells nicer. But with social distancing, it's more important than ever to use your own equipment and keep them clean. 🚿
We've put together this quick guide for parents to washing your bike and keeping your children's cycling equipment clean. Follow these steps at least once a month (if not after every ride) for a basic clean.
Bike cleaning steps:
Spray the bike down with a hose. Focus on removing as much visible dirt as possible from the tyres and frame.
Apply degreaser onto the chain & mechanism. Clean off the dirt with a clean toothbrush or bike floss. 💡
Spin the pedals occasionally as you go and wipe excess dirt off the chain with a clean cloth.
Use a fresh sponge or soft-bristled paintbrush to clean the rest of the bike with a few quirts of anti-bacterial washing up liquid in a bucket of water (light bubbles only). 🖌️
Spray the bike with clean water and let dry in the sun (or dry with clean cloths).
Spray WD-40 on any moving parts which might have trapped water to prevent rust. IMPORTANT: Do not spray WD-40 on any part of the brakes. 🚫
Apply bike lube to all the moving parts and chain system.
Rub a little bike polish on the frame to make it shine. 🌟
Enjoy your sparkling, clean bike!
Every few months, it's a good idea to take off the tyres and chain for a deep clean but that's a task for another day. 📆
Helmet cleaning steps:
Clean the outside with a soft, microfiber cloth. Use a very diluted solution of anti-bacterial washing up liquid to kill germs. 😷
Use this warm, soapy water and a soft toothbrush to clean in between the cavities.
Make fresh soapy water and soak each of the head straps for a few seconds. 🛁
Blot dry with a clean cloth and repeat until the cloth comes away clear.
Take off the removable pads and toss the pads in a cold wash with other clothes in your washing machine. 🧺
Lay them out to air dry.
Put them back in and you're off! 🚵
Don't forget to put your cycling clothes through the wash after every trip outside too. Refer to the label and wash on the hottest temperature permitted.
You can also read out helpful guide to putting on bike pedals.
Henry Gorvin
SEO Executive
Henry writes about all things kids bikes for Bike Club's blog, offering insightful content to help parents choose the right bike.