Five Great Halloween Ideas to Get You on Your Bike!
If you plan to get your crew dressed for some Trick or Treating, why not combine your outing with a bike ride? Halloween is a great time to get out and about, and costumes don’t have to be expensive or lavish to capture the imagination.
Here are Bike Club’s Top Five Halloween costume ideas that include a bike!
1) Evil Knievel; put the “evil” into this holiday season with this simple but effective Halloween costume. The real Evil Knievel was known for his red, white and blue jumpsuits and cape; you can re-create the look with a white onesie or top and leggings, complete with a billowing red cape and blue stars stuck down the legs to finish the look. Don’t forget to accessorise your helmet too!

2) The headless horseman; taking inspiration from one of the spookier classic stories, simply pop an oversized button-up coat or shirt over the head (and helmet) of your little spook. Remember to open the buttons lower down so they can see out, and voila! Your headless horror is complete!

3) ET; re-create the 80s classic movie by dressing your little one up in a red hoodie and pop a basket or crate on the front of the bike. While you can get creative and make your own mini-ET character, a bug-eyed cuddly toy works just as well wrapped in a white towel and popped into the basket, ready to fly past the moon this Halloween!
4) Top Gun; whilst your bike might not be a real Harley Davidson, a cardboard cut-out on the handlebars can transform it into a close replica. Complete the look with a leather jacket, blue jeans and kid’s aviators, and you’ll have your little one looking like a mini-Maverick in no time.

5) Harry Potter; grab a Halloween broomstick from your local £1 shop and tape it to the length of your child’s bike so that the handle is at the front and the base is near the seat.
If your child doesn’t already own a suitable Hogwarts cape, then you can fashion an excellent one out of a black bin bag, with a Gryffindor crest simply printed out and stuck on. Complete the Potter look with black-rimmed glasses (drawing them on with a washable make-up pen works just as well!) and a tell-tale zigzag scar on their forehead.
For an extra touch of Potter magic, create a golden snitch to hang from the front of the bike. We love using Ferrero Rocher chocolates to create them by simply adding wings onto the golden wrapping.
Whatever you decide to do this Halloween, we hope that you enjoy your time together. Please stay safe and remember road safety at all times when on a bike. And remember, to always have fun too!
We'd love to see your costumes - so make sure to tag @jointhebikeclub on instagram so we can share the spooky fun.
You can also read about celebrating halloween a little differently.