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How to go Cycling with Children of Different Ages

Family Adventures

Family bike rides are an awesome way to bond and stay active. However, it can be challenging to plan a family-friendly ride suitable for everyone when you have children of different ages.  

Toddlers tire and get bored quickly compared to older children, making it challenging to keep both engaged. 

Luckily for you, we have come up with a few ideas that might just keep the whole family entertained!  

Where Can You Ride with Children of Different Ages?  

Local parks are ideal for cycling with children of all ages. There is a wide selection of bike types, such as balance bikes and mountain bikes. 

Some parks even have a pump track or skate park area suitable for children who have BMX bikes.  

Riding in a local or country park is much easier for young children. It's a traffic-free environment, and the only thing they need to be mindful of is other children riding bikes too. 

There are also several other suitable family cycle routes you can take such as the beach! Much of the UK coastline is covered with bike paths, which make for an easy, gentle ride on the way.  

If kids get tired of riding their bikes, head to the beach for playtime or nap time. 

children of different ages on bikes in a line - bike club

How Do You Keep Children of Different Ages Entertained on a Ride?   

To make rides more interesting, you could play games along the way. "Follow the leader" is a great way to encourage kids to play together.  

Additionally, you can engage them in activities such as spotting wildlife, flowers, or landmarks in local or national parks.  

It’s also a good idea to incorporate a picnic and some snack stops into your ride. It breaks it up a bit and helps keep those little legs full of energy!   

Pack Essentials   

To make the cycling trip enjoyable, don't forget to pack some essentials. Carry plenty of water and healthy snacks to keep everyone hydrated and energized throughout the journey.   

Suncream, sunglasses, and hats are also essential to protect your family from the sun's rays 

Involve Everyone   

Engage your children in the planning process. Let them help choose the route or pack snacks. If your children are old enough, assign the older child a role such as map reading or leading the way.  

By involving them, you'll instil a sense of ownership and excitement, making the cycling experience more enjoyable for all.  

Pace Yourself  

Different age groups have different abilities and endurance levels. Younger children may tire more quickly, so take regular breaks to rest and explore the surroundings.   

Use these breaks to engage in fun activities like scavenger hunts. By pacing yourself and adapting to the needs of each child, you'll ensure that no one feels overwhelmed or left behind.  

Be Flexible  

Keep in mind that things may not always go as planned. Weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances might require you to adjust your bike route or shorten the trip. 

Be flexible and ready to adapt accordingly. Remember, the primary goal is to have a positive experience and create lasting memories with your family.  

Enjoy the Journey  

Above all, remember to have fun! Enjoy the journey, the beautiful scenery, and the laughter of your children.  

Cherish the moments spent together and create memories that will be remembered for a lifetime.  

Cycling with children of different ages can be challenging at times, but it's a wonderful opportunity to bond with them. 

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Questions We Get Asked About Riding with Children of Different Ages 

What is the safest way to cycle with a toddler? 

We'd recommend a number of things to ensure that you can safely cycle with your toddler. For safe cycling with a toddler, choose a safe trail, wear helmets, adjust speed, and ensure a comfortable bike seat. 

What is safer a bike trailer or a seat? 

A bike trailer offers stability, protection, and visibility, reducing the risk of injuries or accidents. A bike seat allows you to have better interaction with your child, improves manoeuvrability, and creates better balance. 

It really is up to you as a parent and what you feel is comfortable for your little one.  

At what age should a child be able to cycle a bike? 

The age at which a child can learn to ride a bike varies based on their individual development, coordination, and readiness. Children are ready to start learning with a balance bike typically between 18 months and 3 years old. 

How do you help a scared kid ride a bike? 

This happens more than you would think. It is essential to pay attention to their reasons for not wanting to ride on that particular day.  

Additionally, it is important to consider why they may not want to complete the full route of the trail.  

Our other suggestions are: 

  • Take a break 
  • Find the root cause 
  • Offer alternatives 
  • Make it as enjoyable as possible 

Remember, every child is different and their interests and preferences will change over time. Maintain a supportive attitude, letting your child decide when they're ready to ride their bike again. 

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Get the Family Cycling with Bike Club   

Cycling together as a family is a fun and healthy way to spend time. With some planning, it can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. 

At Bike Club we offer a range of kid’s bikes on an affordable subscription basis. Find bikes to suit every child in your family with a range of styles, sizes, and colours to choose from.  

We also offer a multi-bike discount, giving you 10% off each subscription for two or more bikes. Join Bike Club today and have complete flexibility to exchange the bikes when the kids grow out of them. 

Katherine Fodor

CRM Executive

Having previously worked as a mechanic for Bike Club, Katherine now works in their marketing department. She is a keen cyclist, regularly coaching sessions for her cycling club and often to be found racing at the velodrome.